LIGO CDS package repository For Debian: * Add LSCsoft repository first (CDSsoft takes dependencies on this) in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lscsoft.list deb jessie contrib apt-get update apt-get -y --force-yes install lscsoft-archive-keyring * Grab the most recent "release" deb for your distribution from here: NOTE: previous users may have :8443 appended to hostname. THIS IS NO LONGER NECESSARY, PLEASE REMOVE IT. example: wget -c dpkg -i cdssoft-release-jessie_1.3.3_all.deb * Then update your apt indices: apt-get update * Go about your merry way, now with more EPICS [!!!] === The CDS group requires the use of an older kernel on the RT systems some DAQD servers, a forward ported copy of the 3.2 kernel with LIGO patches is available in the jessie-legacy repository. This pulls select packages from wheezy as required to support a 3.2 kernel. This repository is presently signed by the cds-unstable-archive gpg keys. deb jessie-legacy main === The CDS group uses some software that we cannot distribute outside of the LIGO lab for licensing reasons. It is available for CDS use from the following apt repo. Please note that a credential is required to access the repository. The credential is stored in the LIGO secret store as 'CDS licensed repositories'. deb jessie-restricted main NOTE: previous users may have :8443 appended to hostname. THIS IS NO LONGER NECESSARY, PLEASE REMOVE IT.